Benchmark Fractions Estimate Sum for 1/2 and 5/8 using nearest 1/8

Benchmark Fractions Estimate Sum for 1/2 and 5/8 using nearest 1/8 MathCelebrity logo Image to Crop

Enter 2 fractions below:

Estimate the sum to the nearest 1/8

Estimate 1/2 with 1/8 as a benchmark:

Display the fraction bar for 1/2

The range is [3/8, 4/8]
The halfway point is denoted below:

Therefore, our range is 3/8 < 7/16 < 4/8

Compare our fraction to the mid point

1/2 ≥ 7/16, we round up to 4/8

Estimate 5/8 with 1/8 as a benchmark:

Display the fraction bar for 5/8

The range is [4/8, 5/8]
The halfway point is denoted below:

Therefore, our range is 4/8 < 9/16 < 5/8

Compare our fraction to the mid point

5/8 ≥ 9/16, we round up to 5/8

Estimating, we have 4/8 + 5/8

Our estimated answer is 9/8

Display the fraction bar for 9/8


You have 1 free calculations remaining



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What is the Answer?

How does the Benchmark Fractions Calculator work?

Free Benchmark Fractions Calculator - Adds or Subtracts or Compares 2 fractions using estimating sums or estimating differences with benchmark fractions.
This calculator has 2 inputs.

What 2 formulas are used for the Benchmark Fractions Calculator?

Find a Range
Compare to the halfway point

For more math formulas, check out our Formula Dossier

What 8 concepts are covered in the Benchmark Fractions Calculator?

benchmarkbenchmark fractionscommon fraction that gives you a reference to measure other fractionswithcompareestimate, measure, or note the similarity or difference betweendenominatorThe bottom portion of a fraction. For a/b, b is the denominatordifferencethe result of one of the important mathematical operations, which is obtained by subtracting two numbersfractionhow many parts of a certain size exist
a/b where a is the numerator and b is the denominatornumeratorthe number above the line in a common fractionsumthe total amount resulting from the addition of two or more numbers, amounts, or items

Example calculations for the Benchmark Fractions Calculator


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